was an important year for Mierka Donauhafen Krems. The volume of ship- and train handling increased a lot compared to the year before. With the strategically partnership with the RHENUS (the Rhenus participated in June 2010 with 26% in the Mierka Beteiligungs GmbH) opened a new chapter in the history of the company. The aim of the partnership is to expand the service of logistic for the customer - on the habitat Krems, but also on other trimodale locations of logistic and through intensive activities in the Danube inland waterway transportation. Hubert Mierka manages Mierka Donauhafen Krems together with Patrick Schäffer of Rhenus Logistic.
Mierka Donauhafen Krems could increase the cargo-handling in 2011. Plus 23% in ship handling and plus 11% in total cargo handling. New projects (e.g. wind power stations), handling of gravel, new big bag products and agricultural logistics were the reason of this development. A new handling-location in Bad Deutsch Altenburg was prepared.
The total through put in 2012 remained nearly unchanged compared to 2011 amounting to 1,130,00 tons. Fertilizer, mineral bulk and project cargo increased in volume. The special transshipment site in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg started operation in May – 40,000 tons have been handled until end of the year. An important strategic decision was taken regarding the container terminal: Metrans (subsidiary of HHLA Hamburg) has been operating the terminal since October and offers competitive maritime connections via block trains, providing the regional industry with attractive prices and offering new chances for Mierka, the location Krems and Lower Austria.
The total throughput in 2013 amounted to 1.3 million tons, representing an increase of 15% compared to 2012. The waterside handlings increased by 20% to 458,000to. Rail handlings improved by 14% to 277,000to and truck handlings by 12% to 569,000to. Most important growth rates were achieved in agri-bulk commodities and industrial raw materials. Rhenus increased its holding in Mierka Beteiligungs GmbH (owner of MDK) to 51%.
The total throughput 2014 showed the figure of 1,54 million tons as significant increase of 18% compared to 2013. The waterside handlings even increased by 40%.
With a total throughput of 1,53 million tons the high amount of 2014 was reached again, the rail handlings even improved by 18%.
With a total throughput of 1.4 million tons the amount of last year was underrun. The ship handling dropped about 12 % to 467,000 tons, the rail handling improved insignificantly to nearly 400,000 tons and the truck handling fell down about 8% to 555,000 tons.
The year 2017 was a good business year. With a total throughput of 1.45 million tons the value of 2016 was exceeded by 3%. The ship handling including gravel increased by 15%, although there was an ice related closure at the Danube in January/February. The port achieved a plus of 3% to 565,000 tons at the truck handling. On the other hand there was a minus of 11% to 352,000 tons at the rail handling. Product groups that had the most increase last year were steel, mineral raw products and components for wind power plants. The port invested in the expansion of the container- terminal, in a new weigh-bridge and in a new wheel loader. The renaming into Rhenus Donauhafen Krems GmbH & Co KG. took place in November 2017.
End of February Rhenus acquires the remaining share of the capital stock of Mierka Beteiligungs GmbH (MBG). Hubert Mierka withdraws from his role as managing shareholder. The second half 2018 was dominated by a historical low water period at the Rhine and at the Danube. In total 1,21million tons were loaded and unloaded in Krems, which was 16 % less than 2017. Itemised by all modes of transport the figures of the waterside transshipment decreased by 35 %. The signifant decrease is due to the low water level and the lower transport volums of gravel and wind turbine components. The truck handling with a volume of 368.000 tons remained stable, the rail cargo increased by 5 %. Rhenus Donauhafen Krems invested in switching over to organic products in the excisting grain silo, in new forklifts, in a sweeper vehicle and accomodation containers. The customs services were restructured and a new certification of ISO 50001, additionally to our exsiting ISO 9001 certification, was succsessfully implemented.